• Paige Thomas_LEAP Founder

    The driving force behind the 'How' for the LEAP. Proud mother of a special needs family, dedicated disability advocate, change agent, and champion for diversity and inclusion. Paige is an Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Writer, Author, Speaker, Mentor, and Coach.

  • Paisley Minor_LEAP Ambassador

    7-year-old Limb Loss Champion & Challenged Athlete standing tall since 2019. The 'Why' behind the LEAP! Paisley's life experience is backed by a resilient heart, determined spirit, and a personal commitment to excellence. She is the embodiment of "No Legs. All Heart."

  • Major Thomas Minor_LEAP Sibling Support Team Lead

    4-year-old LEAP Model & CEO, "MAJOR T's", our very own LEAP Wear T-Shirt Distributor. Stand-Up Comedian & Family Runner. Major has unmatched energy, compassion, and love for all. His greatest contributions to the world around him are smiles, hugs, and handpicked flowers.